It's like Israel for...

Recently, I overheard someone in the Castro say that "San Francisco is like Israel for gay men," meaning that this is the chosen land, the geographical magnet for the queers seeking emancipation. I've quietly mulled it over and think that San Francisco is Israel for anyone who is different. But even that seems a little weak-willed. So I've decided that San Francisco is like Israel for rule breakers. This idea behind San Francisco has produced a lot of coolness and creativity but also quite a bit of frustration. I was appalled when I saw people bicycling on the sidewalk and pissing on the street. I nearly witnessed a 90 degree collision between an irate bicyclist and an impatient motorist trying to outrun a red light. On my second night here, in Civic Center, I witnessed a grown man dressed as an overgrown infant girl with a huge pink-and-white Binky and bonnet. More chilling, on my birthday in fact, an elderly Asian man was run over at the main Castro intersecti...