The Buddha's Remedy

Neptune Landing was never meant to be a string of complaints about my precious life in one of the world's most dynamic cities but I can't help but notice that my writing has drifted towards the depressive side much like the inactive human mind often does. So in the last four days I've taken some action. Every six or seven years, I pull myself back into Buddhist practice. For the uninitiated, I loosely refer to Buddhist practice as activities centered around the Noble 8 fold path. Namely, 1. Right View 2. Right Intention 3. Right Speech 4. Right Action 5. Right Livelihood 6. Right Effort 7. Right Mindfulness 8. Right Concentration To start, I picked up several books about the Buddha's life as well as a copy of the Lotus Sutra, one of the premier texts of the Mahayana tradition. Mahayana is the more generous, ambitious school that seeks enlightenment for everyone in this lifetime versus the Theravada school which embraces the more lone, ...