Garden, Language and Business Update (Tail End of April 2013)

A San Francisco old-timer recently told me that the transients seek to consume this city while the tried-and-true seek to build it. Consumption has become the American past-time in this most American of cities but we've also been on a building spree (as evidenced by the slanted spines of cranes along Market Street). Richard Florida, the new urbanist, would pat us on the back as a premier lifestyle city that is making space for the depressing concept of twitter apartments while nabbing the title of happiest city in America . But, surely, there's more to this place than laughter on the street and hunger in the fog. Casting the world into producers and consumers has always seemed an impoverished division to me. Deep down, in my writer's vanity, I've subscribed to a third class of humans: that of connectors/interpreters. Right: Patio Garden Gardening has...