
Showing posts from May, 2013

Shamanism 101: Power Animals

       If I were cornered and pressed to define shamanism in a pithy way, it would be "A craft that uses the unseen and the imaginative to bring abundance to yourself, your family, your community and our planet." (And, yes, I still believe in referring to EARTH as our agreed-upon planet!). There are several tools of the craft such as gratitude (the most salient tool of the program) dreams and the interpretation thereof  journeys  (i.e. a specific form of guided meditation that uses the sound of drumming) and spirit allies or animal spirits that can be found in both ordinary and non-ordinary realities such as those found on journeys .        The most joyful part of a shamanic practice is undoubtedly the companionship of animal spirits, also known as power animals or spirit allies. As European-Americans we've had our totems literally beaten out of us with the spread of Christianity. I'm not trying to be controversial or anti-Chris...


    Sacramento City Hall      One of the first things I noticed about Sacramento was the health and happiness of its trees. Gorgeous Oaks, Sycamores, Palms and Maples graced the grid-like avenues with pride and strength. It reminded me of a lovely summer day on the verdant blocks of Wollaston and East Milton back home. You could almost feel the trees smile!  Saint Paul's Episcopal Church Elks Club Building (nicknamed the Ghost Busters Building,                      standing at 226 feet)     Any reason to escape slick San Francisco was good enough for me. On Friday I finished work early to take a shamanic training (on extraction) in California's capitol city and I couldn't have been more charmed. With the help of Expedia, I landed a sweet deal at the Sheraton Grand and spent most of my two days in Downtown, Midtown and Curtis Park. People were so friendly and inquisitive and e...