Shamanism 101: Power Animals

If I were cornered and pressed to define shamanism in a pithy way, it would be "A craft that uses the unseen and the imaginative to bring abundance to yourself, your family, your community and our planet." (And, yes, I still believe in referring to EARTH as our agreed-upon planet!). There are several tools of the craft such as gratitude (the most salient tool of the program) dreams and the interpretation thereof journeys (i.e. a specific form of guided meditation that uses the sound of drumming) and spirit allies or animal spirits that can be found in both ordinary and non-ordinary realities such as those found on journeys . The most joyful part of a shamanic practice is undoubtedly the companionship of animal spirits, also known as power animals or spirit allies. As European-Americans we've had our totems literally beaten out of us with the spread of Christianity. I'm not trying to be controversial or anti-Chris...