Shamanism 101: The Lower World Journey

Not to be confused with a daytrip to Hades, the lower world journey is an essential component of coming to know your power animals and inner teachers in shamanic practice. The Lower World Journey has wormed its way into literary culture, most famously with Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland," when Alice falls down the rabbit hole and embarks on a great adventure. There is one thing that Carroll misrepresented; the characters she encountered were more middle world spirits (with personalities and intents ranging from neutral to hostile) rather than loving lower world spirits. The spirits in the lower world are magnanimous; they do not wish you any harm and are there to help. Drugs, too, are not necessary for a trip to the lower world (and can actually be a hindrance). There are, however, six essential steps to make this a fruitful journey. 1. Soundtrack. No, not Beyonce or even Beethoven, but rather a CD or MP3 of sha...