How to Make Your Flightiness Work for You

PLACE Facebook was all abuzz earlier last month with a geography/personality test launched by TIME Magazine. You answer a few questions about your philosophy and lifestyle and their website spits out the name of the appropriate state that fits YOU. Although the logarithm is a bit faulty (e.g. Why does this rag suggest I spend my yankee days and nights in Georgia?), the idea is quite fascinating. Blue Heron at McLaren Park Reservoir Certain personalities gravitate to certain places. Economist Richard Florida in his new-urbanism, wonkish book " Who's Your City ?" explains that one of the most undervalued decisions we make in our lives is the choice of where to live. Think about it: countless books and websites are devoted to vocation and life partner but very little devoted to setting. Consider that we breathe, eat and sleep in our chosen ponds 24 hours a day whereas we only spend 6 to 10 hours a day on the job and a typical 12 hours a day hanging with the sweethea...