Victory Programs' 2014 Dinnerfest Party + Auction (where Boston's Foodies and Philanthropists Meet)

During my most recent trip to Boston I was impressed by a sense of unity and purpose that pervades the city from a micro to a macro level. Sure, it's always been there, as part of a missionary zeal from the city's Puritan DNA, but it's become even more salient as the first anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombings fast approaches. More recently, the city was again brought together when a Back Bay fire killed two Boston firefighters - one a family man and another a "Big Brother" who volunteered regularly at Shriners Hospital for Children, a center for pediatric burn care. In fact, when my mother picked me up from Logan last week, we got to witness hordes of firemen from all over the world walking around South Boston, getting ready to attend one of the funerals. It was well worth the wait in traffic to witness this culture of honor. Additionally, as a reporter in the city, I got to know some of the movers and shakers in the social justice realm, warriors i...