More than a City

Know the best way to fall in love again with your locale? Host a visitor, preferably someone close to you, like a brother, and see California through his eyes. Sean and I conspired this trip rather late, about a month before his arrival. Our dad had died in early March and we simultaneously felt the need for some bonding time. His first inquiry about San Francisco was: Should I dress up? - at which point I nearly spit out my organic granola. Formal culture is for the East Coast, I admonished him, while the West Coast rules all that is casual. Still I can't envision my bro going sloppy, even with the decision to dress down. "Just come as you are," I said, knowing his inherent preppy and dapper style would be a refreshing additive to the street-mix and likely attract some looky-loos. Sean's First Morning at Alamo Square One of my dear friends and dog-walking clients allowed us to stay at her SOMA pad while ...