"Navigating Life by the Light of the Moon" with Guest Author, Tommi West

The seasonal shift from the warmth of summer to the crisp fall always feels overly dramatic and strangely dangerous to me. I adore autumn and the festivities of Halloween and Thanksgiving, and yet I also experience an uneasy sense of dread. Daylight savings disrupts my body’s natural rhythm. I’m hungry before lunch and my dogs are confused when we go for a walk. I’m reminded that my normal daily routine is simply an illusion perpetrated by the clocks that surround me. I suddenly feel out of sync with ordinary Time-Space; I’ve entered the mysterious landscape of a dream. In times of uncertainty, I turn to my tarot cards for guidance. With the recent supermoon and lunar eclipse events, the wisdom of Moon card (number 18 in the Major arcana) seems especially appropriate right now. Here’s the Moon card from the Thoth tarot deck: Compare this imagery with the Moon card from the more traditional Rider-Waite...