Review of Smack Dab, The Castro's Monthly-Open-Mic-Night

The most indie night I've had in weeks was at Smack Dab , a monthly-open-mic-night that has been running since 2003. While I've popped into other open-mics scattered around the city, Smack Dab was certainly the best-organized and best-lit. Its new location is on the second floor of Strut at 470 Castro Street, the public health clinic smack dab in the Castro (disclosure: I am NOT getting paid by Strut; I just think it's a healthy and interesting new space). Open-mic participants seemed to rally around the theme of public health, praising Magnet (now Strut) at every available turn. The take-away is that Smack Dab is a sober and perky addition to a scene that takes place most often in dim and dank watering holes. Facilitated by hosts Larry-Bob, who also keeps the SF Queer List Serve , and Dana Hopkins, promoter-extraordinarie, Smack Dab brings together some of the queerest and wackiest independent acts in the Bay. The level of ...