How LGBT Folks Can Change the World

The massacre this time around is personal. For many LGBT folks, this is a nightmare that we could not even imagine; being picked off in our safe ancestral home much like the black churchgoers were during bible study in Charleston a little over one year ago today. Not only was it infuriating that political leaders didn't lift a finger to tighten gun access after the Charleston massacre but that political hacks reverted to the same know-nothing approach after events as equally hideous and unconscionable in Sandy Hook and Virginia Tech and San Bernardino and Colorado Springs and Aurora and [insert tragic geographical location here]. This time, however, the gun lobby has awoken a sleeping giant, one who may not be as rich but who is as meticulously organized . We like to think of ourselves as more pleasant guests at any cocktail party or political rally. This is our coming out party, a way for the LGBT community to truly grow up and give back ...