Sonoma County and City Fatigue

The mood of California has soured since the presidential election. In the city, especially, the vibe has become toxic; it's like a hostile masculinity has taken hold. Drivers once refrained from honking their horns in San Francisco but now it's all you hear. The road rage is palpable; swearing, fights, the raising of middle fingers — the city has become more crowded, more unequal and less peaceful. I was threatened on the #6 bus for looking gay and meekly tried to calm my assailant down (in retrospect, I'm glad I was cautious because you never know if someone is carrying a weapon, especially after what transpired in left-leaning Portland last week ). The belligerent words and actions of the cretin occupying the White House doesn't help matters. We can all agree that America has become even more racist, hateful and deeply divided or maybe it's been that way all along and everyone just feels free to express it more. Beyond the country's troubled spirit, histor...