Rembrandt and the Museum of Brands

When you think of New York, what comes to mind? Perhaps the ubiquitous logo adorning the world's t-shirts: The graphic designer, Milton Glaser , came up with the logo idea while riding in the back of a taxi in 1976. How about Texas? Do you know they had a PR and PSA coup with their intimidating warning: "Don't Mess with Texas." That slogan, created by the Texas Department of Transportation, not only gave Texas a bit of chutzpah on the national stage but it urged the state's litterbugs to rethink their habits. Studies found that the campaign helped reduce litter by 72% on Texas highways over a three-year-period. The warning soon took on a life of its own; it's basically become the state's unofficial motto. It soon became a rallying cry for the Texan people's grit and bravado. "Don't Mess with Texas T-Shirt" by J. Stephen Conn is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0 While there is usually some type of strategic intent behind bra...