One Seer's Treatise on the Mayan Hubbub
December 21, 2012 is fast approaching and I still haven't picked out my apocalypse outfit. But what's the deal? Should I spring for that new pair of kicks? Is the Mayan prophecy real or just another way to waste time surfing the internet? I like to think of "the Mayan subject" as the menacing end of the internet spectrum; if you get bored of cute kittens you always have your dueling doomsday psychics. Is 2012 just another way to avoid cleaning the bathroom?
There are serious questions and I'll need a bit of time and space here to answer them. Sure doomsday is a sexy topic but it sucks all the air out of the room. And it largely misses the point. I believe that on a ground level, what we need to focus on is loss of biological diversity and ever increasing public health threats. According to the World Wildlife Fund, the one nonprofit to which I regularly contribute, "The rapid loss of species we are seeing today is estimated by experts to be between 1,000 and 10,000 times higher than the natural extinction rate.*" Human beings aren't supposed to be evil landlords. Hell, many think we're not even supposed to be landlords but servants (or at least dutiful sons and daughters) to the Great Mother who manifested this wonderful, aqua, carbon marble. So is this all about to be demolished at the dragon-tail end of 2012? In short, no. In fact, as a time of transition and gratitude, "2012" is a pivot in which things will happen on an astrological and psychic/spiritual level that would have been unimaginable just ten years ago. Let me explain.
My go-to-girl for all things celestial is Nadiyah Shah. She was one of several mentors who gave me a nudge to start life anew in San Francisco. Rapid, dramatic decisions are emblamatic of Uranus in Aries (my sun sign) which began on March 11, 2011 and will stay there through 2018. Uranus is the planet of experiment, technology, boldness and fast change and Aries is the fiery sign of the athlete, the warrior and the instigator. It's not always a picnic with these two but together they make some serious headlines. In fact, the first day of this marriage started with a serious brawl like a planetary scene from Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?. "On March 11th, the day destabilizing Uranus moved from watery Pisces into fiery Aries," the folks at AstroStyle noted, "Japan was tragically struck by an earthquake, a tsunami, and nuclear reactors that threatened to explode." This triple calamity is Uranus in Aries way of showing up at the party and it's truly telling that all this water and fire damage happened to the most-technologically advanced country on Earth.
Then there is this photo:
The lone protester with a red background is the spokeswoman for Uranus in Aries, and she lit fires all the way from Cairo to Lower Manhattan. 2011 was a volatile one and "The Protester" was TIME magazine's person of the year. Here's one I took in (harmonious!) Boston recently, signifying the flashy presence of Uranus in Aries. Note: this is Dewey Square, one-time home to the Occupy protest:

Fire people** are going to be angsty until 2018. But this is not the only option for human behavior...
PLUTO IN CAPRICORN: November 26, 2008 to March 23, 2023
Squaring or opposing Uranus in Aries is business-like Carpicorn in powerful, secretive Pluto. Pluto which rules Scorpio is all about deep, fundamental change at the base level and the use or misuse of power. Capricorn is all about business, success and the health of institutions. In November of 2008, we elected our first African-American president who had to steward a sketchy bailout package for the shady banks who brought our economy to a collapse. Since 2008, we've seen businesses, governments, individuals and institutions behaving badly. Some have been forced to comply with the adage that "Sunlight is the best disinfectant" and have been rewarded handsomely. And some, like certain religions, super-PAC's and autodacts have decided to hold onto power no matter who how many get maimed or killed. Sorry to be so dark, now onto the lighter stuff ...
NEPTUNE IN PISCES: Feb 3, 2012 to Jan 27, 2026
Thank Gaia and God for some things. Pisces really is the best sign in the zodiac. They are giving, imaginative folk who like the finer things in life but have no problem getting their hands dirty with a cause celebre'. With hometurf Neptune welcoming back this quicksilver aquatic sign, humankind has a third, watery, middle way in which we can thrive over the next 13 years (and very likely save our planet).
You won't find much tumult or flashiness here in this double dose of dreamy idealism. There are however three public health issues with Neptune's transit in Pisces over the next 13 years (we'll get them out of the way first). The first is cults. San Francisco has a devastating history with cults and cult figures and water people** have to be especially careful about trusting the first charasmatic person that comes along. If you lean towards the naive, please bounce any ideas or opinions off of friends, family members and professionals as a matter of course. If someone requests that you keep quiet about strange issues, then they are probably hiding something themselves.
The second issue is drugs and alcohol abuse and addiction. Pisceans and water people in general love to feel altered. Both Boston and San Francisco have major issues with booze, oxycotin and heroin. Please seek help if you are having trouble staying sober for any length of time. On the flip side, there is going to be a lot of progress with pain medications, hospital settings and we'll continue to see a patchwork of states legalizing and medicinalizing marijuana over the next several years. Drugs may once again take a more holy place in the schemes of human affairs and there may be fundamental changes in addiction treatment and even within the depression-era structures of Alcoholics Anonymous. Guided visual imagery, soft colors and music or just plain laughter will become mainstays in medical treatment. We won't have to suffer the ugly settings of hospitals on top of physical calamity (seriously, why are they so butt ugly?).
The third and most important Piscean issue is water. This includes everything from water safety, flooding and drought. I'll save this for another blog post. However it does lead me to ...
Dreaming is a way of predicting and shaping the present and future. Along with shamanic work, dreaming will become a highwater activity over the next several years, branching into every aspect of civilization. Twice in the last couple of months I've had big flooding dreams. It came as no surprise that Hurricane Sandy struck the most expensive, populated piece of real estate on the East Coast a week before the election. On October 16, I posted on Facebook about the two candidates' refusal to discuss zilch on the environment, 13 days before Sandy's landfall. Gaia is mad as hell. If we think we can do so well without other plant and animal species, what makes us think that she doesn't want to get rid of us?
Frustration aside, I believe that flooding is going to be our biggest existential threat over the coming years. But it isn't just scientists, meterologists and engineers who have insight into solution. Ancient methods of doing things are going to come roaring back in style which is why it is so important that we have historical scholars of Indigenous Studies and Histories like Coll Thrush, a professor at the University of British Columbia. Technology alone will not save us, in fact in some ways it is making us weaker. Living in the tech-heaven of San Francisco sure is dynamic but there is something deeply disturbing about outsourcing all of our human faculties and various means of intelligence to something that requires a user agreement (there I said it!). There's going to be a wonderful backlash where we won't just pay lip service to indigenous and ancient celtic ways of seeing; we'll actually be seeing with them!
Finally, according to the spirits that I'm in concert with, human beings are going to become empowered mentally, physically and spiritually by seeking help in radically new (for us) ways. For every human being has a spirit guide, often two, that can guide them to optimal health and well-being. These are most likely animal spirits. Another psychic prediction is that animals and plant life are going to justly receive unprecedented rights and protections over the next several years. December 21, 2012 will mark the end of the Mayan long-count calendar. You know that butterfly in your stomach as you bust out a new Gregorian calendar? Multiply that by light years. On 12/21/12 forget about your resolutions. Focus instead on your dreams!
*Experts actually call this natural extinction rate the background extinction rate. This simply means the rate of species extinctions that would occur if we humans were not around.
**for a future post.
There are serious questions and I'll need a bit of time and space here to answer them. Sure doomsday is a sexy topic but it sucks all the air out of the room. And it largely misses the point. I believe that on a ground level, what we need to focus on is loss of biological diversity and ever increasing public health threats. According to the World Wildlife Fund, the one nonprofit to which I regularly contribute, "The rapid loss of species we are seeing today is estimated by experts to be between 1,000 and 10,000 times higher than the natural extinction rate.*" Human beings aren't supposed to be evil landlords. Hell, many think we're not even supposed to be landlords but servants (or at least dutiful sons and daughters) to the Great Mother who manifested this wonderful, aqua, carbon marble. So is this all about to be demolished at the dragon-tail end of 2012? In short, no. In fact, as a time of transition and gratitude, "2012" is a pivot in which things will happen on an astrological and psychic/spiritual level that would have been unimaginable just ten years ago. Let me explain.
My go-to-girl for all things celestial is Nadiyah Shah. She was one of several mentors who gave me a nudge to start life anew in San Francisco. Rapid, dramatic decisions are emblamatic of Uranus in Aries (my sun sign) which began on March 11, 2011 and will stay there through 2018. Uranus is the planet of experiment, technology, boldness and fast change and Aries is the fiery sign of the athlete, the warrior and the instigator. It's not always a picnic with these two but together they make some serious headlines. In fact, the first day of this marriage started with a serious brawl like a planetary scene from Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?. "On March 11th, the day destabilizing Uranus moved from watery Pisces into fiery Aries," the folks at AstroStyle noted, "Japan was tragically struck by an earthquake, a tsunami, and nuclear reactors that threatened to explode." This triple calamity is Uranus in Aries way of showing up at the party and it's truly telling that all this water and fire damage happened to the most-technologically advanced country on Earth.
Then there is this photo:
The lone protester with a red background is the spokeswoman for Uranus in Aries, and she lit fires all the way from Cairo to Lower Manhattan. 2011 was a volatile one and "The Protester" was TIME magazine's person of the year. Here's one I took in (harmonious!) Boston recently, signifying the flashy presence of Uranus in Aries. Note: this is Dewey Square, one-time home to the Occupy protest:

Fire people** are going to be angsty until 2018. But this is not the only option for human behavior...
PLUTO IN CAPRICORN: November 26, 2008 to March 23, 2023
Squaring or opposing Uranus in Aries is business-like Carpicorn in powerful, secretive Pluto. Pluto which rules Scorpio is all about deep, fundamental change at the base level and the use or misuse of power. Capricorn is all about business, success and the health of institutions. In November of 2008, we elected our first African-American president who had to steward a sketchy bailout package for the shady banks who brought our economy to a collapse. Since 2008, we've seen businesses, governments, individuals and institutions behaving badly. Some have been forced to comply with the adage that "Sunlight is the best disinfectant" and have been rewarded handsomely. And some, like certain religions, super-PAC's and autodacts have decided to hold onto power no matter who how many get maimed or killed. Sorry to be so dark, now onto the lighter stuff ...
NEPTUNE IN PISCES: Feb 3, 2012 to Jan 27, 2026
Thank Gaia and God for some things. Pisces really is the best sign in the zodiac. They are giving, imaginative folk who like the finer things in life but have no problem getting their hands dirty with a cause celebre'. With hometurf Neptune welcoming back this quicksilver aquatic sign, humankind has a third, watery, middle way in which we can thrive over the next 13 years (and very likely save our planet).
You won't find much tumult or flashiness here in this double dose of dreamy idealism. There are however three public health issues with Neptune's transit in Pisces over the next 13 years (we'll get them out of the way first). The first is cults. San Francisco has a devastating history with cults and cult figures and water people** have to be especially careful about trusting the first charasmatic person that comes along. If you lean towards the naive, please bounce any ideas or opinions off of friends, family members and professionals as a matter of course. If someone requests that you keep quiet about strange issues, then they are probably hiding something themselves.
The second issue is drugs and alcohol abuse and addiction. Pisceans and water people in general love to feel altered. Both Boston and San Francisco have major issues with booze, oxycotin and heroin. Please seek help if you are having trouble staying sober for any length of time. On the flip side, there is going to be a lot of progress with pain medications, hospital settings and we'll continue to see a patchwork of states legalizing and medicinalizing marijuana over the next several years. Drugs may once again take a more holy place in the schemes of human affairs and there may be fundamental changes in addiction treatment and even within the depression-era structures of Alcoholics Anonymous. Guided visual imagery, soft colors and music or just plain laughter will become mainstays in medical treatment. We won't have to suffer the ugly settings of hospitals on top of physical calamity (seriously, why are they so butt ugly?).
The third and most important Piscean issue is water. This includes everything from water safety, flooding and drought. I'll save this for another blog post. However it does lead me to ...
Dreaming is a way of predicting and shaping the present and future. Along with shamanic work, dreaming will become a highwater activity over the next several years, branching into every aspect of civilization. Twice in the last couple of months I've had big flooding dreams. It came as no surprise that Hurricane Sandy struck the most expensive, populated piece of real estate on the East Coast a week before the election. On October 16, I posted on Facebook about the two candidates' refusal to discuss zilch on the environment, 13 days before Sandy's landfall. Gaia is mad as hell. If we think we can do so well without other plant and animal species, what makes us think that she doesn't want to get rid of us?
Frustration aside, I believe that flooding is going to be our biggest existential threat over the coming years. But it isn't just scientists, meterologists and engineers who have insight into solution. Ancient methods of doing things are going to come roaring back in style which is why it is so important that we have historical scholars of Indigenous Studies and Histories like Coll Thrush, a professor at the University of British Columbia. Technology alone will not save us, in fact in some ways it is making us weaker. Living in the tech-heaven of San Francisco sure is dynamic but there is something deeply disturbing about outsourcing all of our human faculties and various means of intelligence to something that requires a user agreement (there I said it!). There's going to be a wonderful backlash where we won't just pay lip service to indigenous and ancient celtic ways of seeing; we'll actually be seeing with them!
Finally, according to the spirits that I'm in concert with, human beings are going to become empowered mentally, physically and spiritually by seeking help in radically new (for us) ways. For every human being has a spirit guide, often two, that can guide them to optimal health and well-being. These are most likely animal spirits. Another psychic prediction is that animals and plant life are going to justly receive unprecedented rights and protections over the next several years. December 21, 2012 will mark the end of the Mayan long-count calendar. You know that butterfly in your stomach as you bust out a new Gregorian calendar? Multiply that by light years. On 12/21/12 forget about your resolutions. Focus instead on your dreams!
*Experts actually call this natural extinction rate the background extinction rate. This simply means the rate of species extinctions that would occur if we humans were not around.
**for a future post.
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